Our logo, featured on our products as well, draws inspiration from the traditional Japanese concept of "家紋 (Kamon)" or "family crest." Kamon served as a symbol representing the "pedigree" and "family lineage" of individuals in Japan, acting as a shared mark among blood relatives such as family and relatives. During the Heian period, court nobles and aristocrats would adorn oxcarts with their preferred patterns, using Kamon as a means to assert ownership of their belongings, a practice that originated the concept of "家紋 (Kamon)."

The pine (松 - Matsu), positioned at the heart of our logo, is a beloved tree species that has shared a profound connection with the Japanese people since ancient times, much like cedar and cypress. In Japan, it holds the highest status among trees, as represented in the revered "Sho-chiku-bai (松-竹-梅)" trio, and is regarded as a symbol of celebration. Throughout Japan, numerous place names and personal names feature the term "pine," making it a familiar sight in gardens, parks, and various aspects of Japanese horticulture, including Bonsai cultivation.

The three-tiered pine represents a distinctive kind of pine crest. The pine (松 - Matsu) belongs to the coniferous family and has been revered since ancient times as a symbol of eternal youth and longevity due to its evergreen nature, retaining its verdant foliage even in the presence of snow and frost during winter.

Moreover, the pine tree has been regarded with a sense of divinity since ancient times, which is why it is used as a Kadomatsu during the New Year (symbolizing the act of "waiting" or "待つ - Matsu" for the divine spirits to descend).

Based on these historical backgrounds, the pine embodies the notion of "waiting (待つ - Matsu)" for the arrival of spring, "waiting" for divine blessings, and derives its significance from ancient Chinese tales related to pine trees, symbolizing the concept of patiently awaiting the right moment to achieve one's goals during opportune times. As a result, it has also become a symbol of spirituality.

扇 - OG